We take advantage of all opportunities. We always have a specific plan. Our vision and mission are the same, but how get there changes as economic conditions and funding...
Category - Fullerton
Q: How does the work in the Atelier differ from the rest of the day? A: It’s a continuation, really, around documentation. Experiences in the Atelier are documented...
First and foremost it is about the strategies of teaching for child engagement. Understanding child development theories and practice is essential ... You can't do...
They're not going to sort out little teddy bears, they're going to sort out different kinds of rocks. That kind of thing. That's one of the main things. Q: Rocks? A:...
There are no union rules that say you can't do anything. If I send a teacher or an instructional aide, a classified person, on a Saturday, I need to pay them. That's it...
We're not telling them how to do it, we're not telling them what it should look like, we're just providing the materials and the experience. It's more than just setting...
They need to know how this is going to support their goals. Gen Ed is always going to come first, it has to. But pre-school is a big piece of that - If leadership wants...
“What are you doing with feathers and mud?” That is the question. What is the intention? What concept will be investigated? We are held accountable that the children are...
It's not like "Ok, kids, we're going to talk about social and emotional today." It's about how you set up your classroom. It's about the feeling the children get when...
“Ready” means you remembered your lunch. Our children will be excited about Kindergarten. They are healthy - physically, socially and emotionally. They will have a joy...