Other Sources of Quality

We have a good network with people who have the same belief systems in terms of developmentally appropriate practice.

This is part 13 of my interview with Marilee Cosgrove of the Fullerton School District.   Our focus was on “Lessons Learned” –creating an effective quality pre-school program in a public school context.  

Q:   If we looked at yours side by side with another district, and took away the support of the Board of Ed and Administrators, what else do you have that others might not – besides, say, investing in classroom environment and longer lasting materials, instead of disposable materials?

A: We have OC Dept of Ed as a resource, we’re part of Quality Start: Race to The Top, so we have connections and get training resources. We have a good network with people who have the same belief systems in terms of developmentally appropriate practice.

Holding a crayon the right way for her age
Developmentally-appropriate grip on crayon

Q: So you get resources from them?

A:   Yes – and Dialog, too – and I invite people in all the time.       There is feedback both ways – everyone’s learning, everyone feels good about things.

Q: Sounds like a good place to work

A: It’s the team, the team that makes it. The Team is incredible.

Science begins
Where science begins

Q: … and there is a simple clear positive vision articulated from the top, and either you’re doing it, or you’re not.

A: Yep –

Q: But it’s not easy?

A: No – and it may not be possible to do it now ….

Q: Not yet –

A: but if it is right, it you can make it happen.

Q: Thanks so much.

A: My pleasure.   We welcome visitors.


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