This is part 13 of my interview with Marilee Cosgrove of the Fullerton School District. Our focus was on “Lessons Learned” –creating an effective quality pre-school program in a public school context.
Q: If we looked at yours side by side with another district, and took away the support of the Board of Ed and Administrators, what else do you have that others might not – besides, say, investing in classroom environment and longer lasting materials, instead of disposable materials?
A: We have OC Dept of Ed as a resource, we’re part of Quality Start: Race to The Top, so we have connections and get training resources. We have a good network with people who have the same belief systems in terms of developmentally appropriate practice.
Q: So you get resources from them?
A: Yes – and Dialog, too – and I invite people in all the time. There is feedback both ways – everyone’s learning, everyone feels good about things.
Q: Sounds like a good place to work
A: It’s the team, the team that makes it. The Team is incredible.
Q: … and there is a simple clear positive vision articulated from the top, and either you’re doing it, or you’re not.
A: Yep –
Q: But it’s not easy?
A: No – and it may not be possible to do it now ….
Q: Not yet –
A: but if it is right, it you can make it happen.
Q: Thanks so much.
A: My pleasure. We welcome visitors.
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